KWM Dream’s Ella - 200174

Lot Number:45
Start Time:5/10/2024 7:00:00 PM
Bid Count:14
Winning Bidder:f****r
Starting Bid:$1.00
Bid Increment:$100.00
Current Bid:$12,500.00
Bidding complete
Sire:EY Conner
Dam:GMY Morningstar Dream
Consignor:Kenny W. Miller 424 Nature Trail Topeka, IN 46571 260-593-0264

A 3% Buyer's Premium will be added to the final Sales Price. All applicable taxes will be assessed based on the sum of the sales price and buyer's premium.

Quiet mare with a good disposition.

There are no bids for the lot at this time

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455 E Farver St,
Shipshewana, Indiana 46565
United States